Do you want to hear a story?
"You have to want me to tell you a story"--Malcolm Gladwell Isn't this the sum of education? We are educators-- we are story tellers. We...
New Educational Approach
Saved this article quite some time ago to "read later"--"Toward a New Education: Low Cost, Scalable, Distributed & Above All:...
On Online Education...
After taking several classes online through Coursera, and a couple of Universities, I have two threads of thought. One: I LOVE the...
This is Not a Test--JLV
Jose Vilson's book, "This is Not a Test" has been thought provoking. I have enjoyed his candid personal stories of his journey to a...
Bored Yet?
New article worth diving in to: "Why boredom is anything but boring", by Maggie Koerth-Baker. Prior to this article, I was of the opinion...
Too Much Too Soon?
Just read an article that included an attention grabbing heading of "Too Much Too Soon". The article had several statistics that require...
On Attendance...
If you had a choice, would you choose to go to school? With the new school ranking systems and focus on improvement, one of the areas...
Tweet To Learn
I learned something tweet! OK, cheesey...but... Did you know that when you put the #something on Twitter, it tags the post for specific...
Austin Mini Maker Faire
Austin Mini Maker Faire was amazing and inspiring. I keep saying that... This was the perfect collaborative learning environment. Perfect...