Gifted Eductation
Melanie Jones Luce
I am a facillitator of an Indpendent Study course for Gifted Students. It is my goal that the ideas and concepts learned here will not only help others, but provide a platform for my doctoral thesis one day.
This website is a journey. Beginning as an example to my students of a way to chronicle their independent learning, it continues to chronicle mine. I needed a place to reflect and express what I learned (isn't this what I tell my students?) A media to express my "brand"--the expression of who I am and what I believe in. My hope is that it will be a site used as a resource to educate and inspire gifted persons, students, educators, and parents to higher levels of understanding. Not because of what I know but because of the collaboration it represents and inspires.
Please feel free to comment and question--this is how we learn!
This site reflects my personal thoughts, research and ideas and does not necessarily reflect the policies, views or opinions of my employers. You are invited to comment and share your own thoughts, ideas. and reflections here. I am looking forward to reading them.