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Anyone else have this disease? You hear about a problem and simply can’t shut the brain down from trying to solve it?

Mine shows up every time someone asks me a question. I have no filter here. I hear a question--I answer. No matter where, no matter what, no matter when. I feel successful if can keep this answer in my head--but it is there--all the same. God forbid my students should find this out--what a convenient way to derail a lesson. At the same time, they always know I will help out, right?

Sometimes, my biological children think it is funny to put a crossword in front of me--or Soduko--or really any problem solving type game, or app. My husband walks by and I hear, “Who gave Mom the game?” Then giggling will bring me back to reality, and I pry myself back into real world living.

Or you go back to the co-worker a week later all excited because you “figured out what was wrong”. They look at you--amazed at your tenacity, but they really don’t care anymore…

Anyone? Or am I alone in my madness?

Side note from youngest biological:

It’s actually quite humorous when you show her a game with so many levels that the end is in sight, but so tantalizingly far. She’ll try relentlessly to finish the last level for days.

-- Joy

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