More than Identify...
The more I have conversations with gifted learners the more I am realizing how important it is to do more than just identify a learner as gifted. We need to equip these persons to understand who they are, why they are different, and how to weather the highs and lows of life that they may face specifically as gifted persons.
Think with me for a minute about what it must be like. You know that you are some how different than the majority of the students around you, and you crave to be some how like them. In some way, an adult in your life has also seen your struggle and has decided that testing you for gifteness will help.
Congratulations! they say. You are gifted. The mere statement of that fact makes you feel important and special. Yet, you don't quite understand what that means. You hear it is supposed to mean you are smarter, and maybe you pick up a vibe somewhere that you are some how..."better"?
You still feel isolated. And you may be starting to feel a little pressured. So many people are telling you that you have nothing to worry, you are one of the smart ones. You wonder when they will find out that you are not smart, you never rack your brain to solve a problem. Will they think you are lazy? What if you can't live up to their expectations. Who do you turn to? No one understands--why would you have any problems? You are gifted they say, life is easy right?
Maybe you cling to the shadowy feeling of superiority, and maybe you become an intellectual snob. Because what else do you have? No one has even explained to you how you really think different, and if you knew--if you only knew--you would be shocked and humbled that the rest of the world's mind does not function in that way you are so accustomed to.
Let us bridge the gap--help them discover who they are--provide them with opportunity to discuss with other's like them. Let us equip them to be in the world and understand others. Let us teach them to connect. Let us do more than identify.