GT = Group Therapy
I facilitate a GT course for high school 11th and 12th grade students. Much of what we discuss in this course covers the question “What does it mean to be GT?” Sometimes in the mix of identifying and challenging, we forget to sit down and simply tell the students what that label means anyway. But knowing who you are is important to self empowerment.
Often, I revisit topics where I think, “Surely, this is old news by now.” Yet, inevitably I see evidence of emotional need. I see tears well, knowing smiles, nervous laughter, and intense absorption as students identify with the material. Sometimes, it is just good to know that there are others with similar quirks and challenges. It is freeing. You see, many of these students have learned to keep their true natures to themselves--it’s often easier that way--so they miss the opportunity to recognize their tribe. This is one of the reasons we need dedicated GT classes (in whatever form they take).
Sometimes GT is much needed Group Therapy.